Fenics Go



Fenics GO offers a best-in-class listed derivative electronic platform

Key Characteristics

  • Liquidity
    • Providers committed to competitive & rapid responses in price and size
  • Anonymity
    • Access liquidity without disclosing identity, size, or direction to the market
  • Reduced Tick Size
    • Ability to quote in tighter spreads
  • Market Intelligence
    • Historical interests, prices, and trading levels captured for enhanced market data & analytics
  • Interest Protection
    • Requesting initiator has priority for a specified time period
  • Efficiency & Compliance
    • STP for transactions to the exchange including time stamps for full transparency of order flow
  • Fair and Transparent
    • Price-time priority a key principle


  • Direct User Input:
    • Clients use the web based platform responsively to interact with quotes
  • Liquidity Manager & Broker Input:
    • Intermediaries highlight interests to their customers to drive flow to the platform
  • Multiple Protocols:
    • Participants may interact by providing a price during the RFS stage or join in Volume Clearing session after a price has matched

Regulatory Considerations

  • Performance analysis is promoted via transparent multilateral price competition
  • Non-venue status under MiFID II

Market Data & Analytics Consumers

  • All requests and associated trade data are captured
  • Historical trading levels are displayed in GUI
  • Individually tailored performance reports are available